Fractured Page 11

By | November 15, 2015

“Blake is very pissed off at the other three from thinking they shaved off his facial hair after he was the first to past out. Although all of them seem to think they were the first to pass out, and the last few moments up to the Fox arriving are lost to them. Buuuttttt… it seems that Fox’s broken magic is slowly acting on them.”

Stealing From Sis Anniversary will be out today. The good news is that I’m doing everything I can to make it one huge animation, even though it’s the length of two. The thing is that I’ll need a few more hours to finish editing it. It looks awesome! 😀

UPDATE: I’m very sorry about the animation being late, as well as all the issues with the site for the last couple of days. Because of spending most of the day trying to fix the site, I haven’t been able to finish the animation. I’m looking to get it uploaded tomorrow morning (GMT -5), barring more technical problems with the site. I’ve been doing everything in my power to get SFS done, even working 15 hour days every day this week. Thank you for your patience.

Stealing From Sis Before and After

Fractured Page 10
Fractured Page 12
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