
By | October 25, 2013

Over the last two weeks, it has become very clear that ad networks are no loner the way to go. Each one I applied to either declined me or paid next to nothing.

So, I’m here to announce that all my future content will only be available to subscribers of my site. Each month I’ll be releasing three new animations, and 30 comic pages for only $5. You can signup for a subscription here!

I know many people were concerned about suspicious credit card statements showing up that they wouldn’t want family members to see. I’ve addressed this by having all payments be handled through PayPal, and any charge from my site will appear as inconspicuous name.

For those you without a credit card, you can still signup for a subscription. You will need to sign up for a PayPal account and link it to your bank account.

I’ve just released a brand new animation called “Miss Stewart”. Since this is the first time I’m making an animation exclusive, I went well above and beyond what I normally do in an animation to make this as awesome and as sexy as I could. It’s over seven and half minutes of TG-goodness with a heightened level of sexy deviousness. The animation is about an over-achieving student who gets turned into the hottest teacher around, and gradually begins to enjoy his new career and body.

Shifting Roommates is also back with two new pages. Like before, there will be a page uploaded daily. The first eight pages will be the available to everyone as a preview to the series, but all the pages after that will only be available to subscribers.

My next animation will be about a guy turning into a bridesmaid for his sister’s wedding, and it will be out in 7 to 10 days.

I’m very sorry to all the people who are unable to become subscribers for whatever reason, but this is the only option I have left if SapphireFoxx is to survive. I hope that only day you will be able to join and catch up on the new content you’ll be missing.


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